The NEW blog. This one will be all Milano, all the time. Hopefully more family & friends will jump on board and follow us on this journey we are on.
For those just joining, I'll give some brief updates. The kids are doing great. Seth just turned 10 and is getting into skateboarding. He talks about it all the time and is in the process of buying his first 'real' board. This is a completely different lifestyle and with it comes long, shaggy hair, crazy pants and skater attitude. We used to call them 'posers' when in school and it's weird to have my son now wanting to be a 'poser'. Oh well, I guess there is worse....but I will admit that this stage of growing his hair out is driving me CRAZY!!!
Mikayla is 7 and is very active in school. She is on her school news team and broadcasts every Friday morning. To see her in action, check out
She also was placed in the Gifted program at her school due to her overwhelming creativity. She participated in Georgia Odessey of the Mind where her team of 7 had to solve a problem by writing and producing an 8 minute skit. They had to create their own costumes, set and write the skit, without adult help. They did a great job with it and look forward to next year.
Katelyn is, well, Katelyn. To know her is to love her. She is 5 and just lost her 4th tooth. She called me, extremely excited, because she had pulled this one out herself. If you only knew how difficult it is for her to do ANYTHING when her tooth is loose, you'd understand that this was a major accomplishment. She's doing well in Kindergarten and is working hard on reading. Oh, and she just learned to tie her shoes.
Micah is 3 and full of energy. He keeps us laughing all the time. He's getting ready to start some basic 'homeschooling' type stuff as Josette, the girl who lives with us, has expressed an interest in doing some work with him.
Jacob turned one in January and is a little monster. He definitely screams that he's the baby of the family. He is the only of our kids to really climb, and he's been found in the middle of the table, on top of the counter and constantly climbing over the arms of the couches. He definitely keeps us on our toes. At the same time, he keeps us laughing as much as Micah does. He loves to dance and has the funniest little 'shake' when music comes on.
That's the update on the kids. I'll work on posting some pictures of them all as this blog progresses.
I hope that you will make it a point to check in often. We'd love to hear from all of you!!! If you have a blog or website, we'd love to add it to our favorite places at the bottom of the site.
Tim & Kelly
YAH!!! A family blog... I LOVE IT! Keep em' coming and post some pics!
dont know what a blog is...looks like email to me ..but i like reading about my proud of all the and miss everybody...seth, i am thinking of growing my hair long and buying me a scateboard too!
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