Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday Tantrums

I HATE that I'm on break and I still have to get up every morning at 6:30 so I can get the kids off to school! I'm so tired and don't feel like I'm getting caught up on any sleep. I just want to sleep in ONE morning!!!!!

I hate potty training!! It is such a daunting task and it seems that once it starts, it has to be seen through to completion. It seems that there is a good day, followed by a bad. Yesterday was the first full day of starting Jacob with potty training. He did amazingly great and even told me a couple of times that he had to go. Today, totally different story. He told me 2x that he had to go, only it was after he had already gone. The good thing is that once we are done, we are done for GOOD! No more babies=no more potty training!!

On a different note, my biggest tantrum for today is about people who refuse to take any sort of responsibility for their actions or the actions of their families. I hate listening to people make excuses about why they are acting the way they do, why their children do they things they do and why they shouldn't be held responsible. It grinds me to no end!! Take responsibility. Stop blaming everyone or everything around you. Stop pretending that you don't have any options or that no one understands. Stop letting life make it's decisions for you and take control of your life and your actions.

Tantrum done....until next week!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The gods & fairies didn't show up!

This is an old blog that I wrote a couple years ago, but thought I'd bring it and post it here.

Ever have those days where you are made to feel like you just don't do enough? That you have sat on the computer all day and so you OBVIOUSLY have neglected everything. After all, the things that did get done, probably got done by some 'outside force'.Let's see what all we don't do as SAHM.

1. The laundry fairy takes care of all the washing (at approx 15+ loads a week). The fairy then makes sure it's all folded, put into drawers or hung up, socks are folded and everyone has what they need.

2. The food genie does all the grocery shopping and makes breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

3. The school god gets up at 6:45 every morning, gets the uniforms out, kids fed, lunches packed, kids dressed and to school, not only on time, but early. He then picks them back up every day at 3:15, and goes back at 4:45 or 5 if they have an activity.

4. The homework helper makes sure that the kids get their homework done everynight and has it all packed back into their backpacks so they don't get into trouble.

5. The money tree sends out automatic payments to the mortgage company, car company, electric company and everyone else who wants money. PHEW, glad "we" don't have to deal with all that. EVERYONE seems to want money so I'm glad that the money tree takes care of all that for us.

6. Then there is the veteranarian who is here to clean up the dogs throw up and make sure the dog and cat are fed everynight and the cat liter box is cleaned out. The nurse is on call so that she can bandage every scrape, put ice on every booboo and kiss every pinched finger. The landscaper is here to mow the lawn and pick up the crap that is thrown from the white Explorer that so conveniently parks in the driveway and feels the need to clean itself out every morning, right onto the front lawn. The maid stops by daily to pick up all the toys, clean up the dishes after the meals, clean the kitchens, make sure the bathrooms are clean, and do the vacuuming. (Thank God for her...that job would suck!)

7.Then there's the nanny. WOW! What a job she has. Getting the younger kids dressed every morning, changing all the diapers, washing all the sticky fingers and faces after meals, helping to keep the potty training kids on track and not wet all day long and breaking up the fights that seem to happen almost hourly. Her job seems so stressful. Don't forget the baths that need to be given (that alone is an hour of time), teeth brushed and in bed between 8-8:30 EVERY NIGHT....always on time!

8.Let's see, the sex goddess. Yep, thank God for her too. We'd hate to think that when a husband comes home after a long days work that we need to have sex because he is stressed but horny. PHEW, thank goodness that all these other people take care of everything else so that if we wanted to have sex, we'd have the energy to actually do it.

Wow, these men are right...with all the help from the gods and faries, nanny and babysitter I guess we really DON'T need a break. Now, if they would show up just ONE time for their job, it might all be good.....

Not Me Monday

Today is my first "Not Me Monday". I did NOT laugh at my 3 year old son yesterday as he ran around the house, pretending to shoot his siblings, while screaming "You killed my wife!!!" I did not tell him today "Please do not put boogers on my phone". And I most definitely did NOT encourage him to put his new underwear on his head to try to encourage him to go potty on his new potty. Nope, that wasn't me!!

I did not sit at the computer and watch as my husband took out the window cleaner and cleaned the glass door. (Ok, so I did...and I enjoyed it!) I did NOT giggle everytime I told my son that he couldn't pee in his new "Woody" big boy pants (and I'm not STILL giggling even when I type it!) And I didn't encourage him to keep saying "Buzz Right Here" instead of Buzz Lightyear. SO CUTE, but I would NEVER encrouage improper words like that. ;)

I'm not the one who rolled my eyes when my daughter needed my help with her homework, knowing that she really could have done it without any help!!

And I most definitely did NOT encourage my sons to keep teeter-tottering excessively roughly, just so I could it on video. Nope, I didn't do it!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Such a slacker

I've been so bad with this blog, but I promise to do better!! I got caught up in the quarter at school and blogging just sort of fell by the wayside. I'm going to work on doing something a bit more daily though. Here's my plan....

Monday-"Not Me Monday". For this, I'm going to do all the "Not Me/I didn't do it" sort of things from the weekend. Just wait and see tomorrow. ;)

Tuesday-Tuesday Temper Tantrum. This is my place to rant and rave!

Wednesday-Wordless Wednesday

Thursday-Thankful Thursday

Friday-Friday Funnies. This will be the crazy, off the wall things my kids have said or done during the week.

Saturday-Serious Saturdays-HOPEFULLY this will be the things I've learned for during the week. Could be about parenting, might be about not taking myself so seriously, might just be something cool I learned at school. Who knows

Sunday-Sunday Simplicity. A place to post the Top 10s of the week. Top 10 things about me, about my family, about our life, about whatever Top 10 I choose for the week.