Sunday, August 31, 2008

End of Summer Party

I got this crazy idea about 2 weeks ago to do a party for all the kids in the neighborhood. I mentioned it to Tim but then we sort of brushed it aside. The kids started asking though so I decided to go ahead and do it for today. I bought invitations and wrote them out yesterday and the kids delivered them to all their friends (25 kids total, including mine) and we waited to see what the turn out would be. Well, today was the day!!!! I bought hotdogs and chips and made a snack mix sort of thing. We filled almost 200 water balloons for a water fight. We ended up having 16 kids, including mine, so it was a great turnout. One of the girls and her brother brought ice cream over so that was an extra special treat. My friend Laura from school lives down the road about a mile from here and she brought her stepdaughter over, but otherwise there were no other adults, just Tim and I and Laura. The kids really seemed to have a lot of fun. Tim really got into the action too and organized the whole water fight, telling the kids where to go and what to do/not do. He also organized a water balloon toss and helped the kids with it.

Mikayla is now spending the night at her friend Katie's house and Katie's brother, Daniel, is here with Seth.


Group shot-minus Jacob

Kelly chasing Seth

Ashley, Micah and Harry. These 3 all go to school together

NJ causing trouble

NJ didn't like it so much when the kids got back at him for all the water he squirted in their faces.

That's his sister dumping water on him

Jacob wanted in the action

Tim organizing the water games

Tim playing waterballoon toss with the kids.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tim's Caricature

This week at school there was a Caricature artist doing pictures for free for students. He's there about once a quarter and it's always fun to see what he comes up with. Well, it was Tim's turn. Here is what he created. TOO funny. It's dark because it's in a plastic covering and I couldn't use the flash of the camera because of the glare.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Micah's Birthday

It's so crazy to think that Micah is 4 already!!! Where does the time go? I remember sitting on the couch above dads store, watching the Olympics at 3am in the morning waiting for my midwife to get there. It was my first homebirth and such an amazing experience.

Being we are down here, with no family around, it was just the 7 of us for his party. Grandma and Grandpa got him a new bike and Tim and I got him a helmet and knee pads to go with it. He also got new pajamas and a couple transformers, as well as some soft foam 'swords' just so him and Jacob can go at it. We had ice cream cake and spent a lot of time riding his new bike. He was so excited to get it and has done really good at learning how to ride it.

Mikayla's New Glasses

Last week we took Mikayla in to have her eyes checked and she needed glasses. They said her eyes aren't horrible, but that if we didn't get them now, we'd for sure be in within the next 6 months to get them. She tried on about 8 different pairs and this is the pair she kept coming back to that she loved. They weren't my favorite, but everytime she put them on, she started dancing around and her personality really came out so we knew they made her feel good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Class of 2022

Micah started PreK today! He did so amazing too and didn't shed a tear. I talked to his teacher around noon and she said he was a little sad when Tim left him, but he never cried. He's not too sure about going back tomorrow though and when I told him that it was bedtime and that he had to get up and go to school in the morning, he said "No, I'm done with school. I don't want to go tomorrow". He's got a LONG road ahead of him. Yesterday when we finished getting him registered, they gave him a magnet that says "See you in 2022". haha That is so crazy to even think that far ahead.

Here's a couple pictures

Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of School

Here's a couple of pictures from the kids first day of school. (ignore the water spots on Seth's shirt from doing his hair. We couldn't see them until the after we took the picture.) Seth is 5th grade, Mikayla is in 2nd and Katelyn is in 1st.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Harry Potter

I'm not a Harry Potter fan, AT ALL, but I found this picture and had to show yo, even though I just posted this one of Seth yesterday. If Seth's glasses were round, he'd almost be a spitting image of him! I've thought about sending this pic in to a contest or something, but haven't heard of any.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Katelyn just got hurt

About 20 minutes, we heard this horrid scream from outside. I knew instantly it was Katelyn. By the time I got down the stairs to the door, she was there, bloody and scraped up. She was running on the sidewalk, trying to catch up to Mikayla, and her friend Edwin was on his bike. He wasn't watching where he was going and neither was she. He ran right into her, both going full speed (in the same direction). She fell and slid across the concrete. She has a big scrape on the outside of her ankle where his tire hit her, a scrape on the inside of the leg (we think from where his tire hit her second), scrapes on her knuckles and then her face hit. The right of her forehead is scraped, her nose (which might be's pretty swollen), the top of her lip and under nose. Inside her mouth, the whole top of her lip is scraped (I think that as she hit the concrete, her lip sort of went up towards her nose so the inside scraped on the concrete too). She has a new tooth that has popped through in the last 2 weeks and it was bleeding there too. I'm pretty worried about the tooth so may be making a trip to the dentist Monday or Tuesday. She's probably going to be so swollen tomorrow. She was HYSTERICAL too. At first she said it was on purpose, but she always says that when she gets hurt, but her story and his story are almost identical so I really think it was an accident, although Edwin is pretty crazy and does everything high speed without watching. After she got calmed down, cleaned up and got ice on everything, I snapped a couple pictures. She didn't want me to at first, then wanted me to take one of every single scrape, which I didn't do. This is just a glimpse of it. It's actually pretty bad!!

This one doesn't really show that the scrape is on both sides of her nose.

This scrape is where the bike hit (she had jeans on). It's about 2 inches long in reality

The pic of her mouth doesn't do it justice. The whole inside is purple and bloody. :(


Here's a couple pictures of Micah and his cousins from when we were in Michigan this summer. Kelsey wasn't too excited, as you can see.

Also a couple of me and my neice and nephew, just because....

Going to have to keep my eye on him

The other day Jacob got ahold of the remote while I was down the hall. He started pushing buttons and the next thing I knew, I wasn't hearing any sound. I figured he either had managed to turn it off, or get to a channel we didn't have. Sure enough, this is what I found....

Seth's new glasses

Seth has been needing some new glasses for awhile and Tim finally was able to take him in this week and get some. Isn't he looking grown up??
You can't really tell in the pictures, but the frames are more of a copper color instead of black like he had.

Friday, August 1, 2008


I LOVE this class! It's pretty hard, but so much fun! Today in lab we got to 'play' with various strains of streptococcus, staphlococcus and Ecoli! We had these little petri dishes that had all the bacteria growing in them. We had to do all these sterilization techniques, take some of the bacteria from the dish and prepare a slide. Once we fully prepared the slide, we then examined it under the microscope. SO COOL!!!!