Saturday, March 29, 2008

They are HUGE

Today Mikayla and I ran to Krogers to pick up a few things. As we were going in, the Veterans were at the door collecting money for the handicap kids hospital or something. They gave Mikayla a handful of these really big tootsie rolls and she was really excited. There were two ladies in front of us who refused their tootsie rolls and the one made a comment of "My hips are already big enough." I responded with 'mine are big and then some.' Mikayla then comments "They are HUGE!!!!" The two ladies started cracking up and I said, quite embarrassed, "Mikayla, I hope you are talking about the tootise rolls and not my hips". It gave us all quite the laugh at her impecible timing. And yes, she WAS talking about the tootsie rolls.

1 comment:

Karen Jean said...

Mikayla!!!!! So cute and funny! Out of the mouth of babes!