Tim a I just finished up our first set of finals in the DC program and we are officially DONE with our first quarter!!! It was a challenge, but was so fulfilling and exciting at the same time. We passed all our classes and did pretty well with the adjustments. For those who don't know the sort of course load we had, we had a semester with 25.45 credit hours. This meant being in class for approx 6-8 hours 4 days a week and then homework on top of that. Our course load included: Intro to Chiropractic, Business Principles I, Intro to Clinic, Osteology, Embryology, Histology, Anatomy, BioChem I, Public Health, Medical Terminology.
Here are a couple of pictures from this quarter.

The bell tower and chiropractic hands on campus.
One quarter down... how many to go?
ONLY 13. ;)
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