Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thankful Thursday

As Easter is just around the corner, there is SO much to be thankful for. Thankful for my family and for my friends, even though so many of them are a long ways away and I don't get to see them. I'm thankful for being given the crazy chance to go back to school and to better my families future. I'm thankful for a husband who is motivated to keep pursuing this crazy dream of ours, even when it gets hard and overwhelming! I'm also thankful for our amazingly good health, and all that we have learned regarding HOW to STAY healthy!!

Now to a bit more light heartedness. I'm thankful for my Starbucks Java Chip Frappacino that is so totally refreshing on this hot, spring day.

I'm thankful for a beautiful, sunny 81*!

I'm thankful that Jacob is almost finished with daytime potty training!

I'm thankful that I'm DONE, FOREVER, with my basic sciences at school.

1 comment:

azmamma said...

ok, so this is the link to my new blog ... I just don't want IRL people to find me just yet LOL