This weekend, I did NOT throw a fit when my husband decided to go to the mountains for a day with his best friend, after already making plans with me. I'm not the one threw a shoe at the door when he left and I most definitely haven't given him the cold shoulder since Saturday night when he told me his plans.
I also didn't decide that my son didn't have to study for his CRCT test, once I realized he didn't have to pass it in order to pass 6th grade. I also didn't say outloud that for all I care, he could fail it and that it would serve his teacher right. (I don't really like her, can ya tell?)
I did not buy some new flip flops, even though I know that I really don't have the money for them. What can I say, I couldn't pass them up??
I didn't suggest that my husband just shave his head to see what it would look like and I did NOT cringe when I went to kiss him and felt his bald head instead of a head of hair. I also did not say "I don't think anyone will even notice" when he asked me what people would say.
And I most definitely did not turn my alarm off this morning, deciding to sleep an extra 30 minutes and then run around like a chicken with it's head cut off to try to get everything done and still leave on time. It's going to be a long week....
lol I would have thrown a shoe at the door too!
I didn't throw a shoe at DH, but I did throw around the beanbag chair and a pillow. Nothing was directly aimed at HIM. I still think he deserved it. He spent 7 hours with his best friend Monday night, after I had been given a time limit on Sunday night when I went to a baby shower. AND he dropped his car off at the house at some point in that 7 hours without even coming inside to say Hi.
Mine went like this....Tim took Seth to a movie Friday night. Saturday he went to the rugby games ALL day. I was going to go, but decided it would be too long of a day for the kids (8+ hours). There were games all day Sunday too and we had decided to go to MOST of that. Instead, he spent all day Sunday in the mountains with Jamie. A shoe was being nice.....
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