So, bald can be beautiful, especially in the case of Shemar Moore or Montel Williams. These two men are SEXY bald men!! Bald is beautiful on the women who are in the fight of their lives against breast cancer. But I'm now finding out if bald is beautiful when it comes to my husband!! Last week he was whining and complaining about needing a haircut. The lady who cuts his normally was in Iran for a month visiting family, and he didn't want to go anywhere else and risk them messing up. I jokingly said that if he couldn't take it anymore, to shave it and this would be his only chance. His best friend shaves his head and I HATE it on him. He tries to go for that scary, bouncer at the bar, sort of look.
This morning Tim says that he's going to cut his hair. I didn't think anything of it and assumed he was going to go get it cut since the lady is back in town now. I run to the grocery store really quick and come home to find him with trimmers in hand. By that point, it was too late. The damage was done. He had giant streaks of missing hair all over his head, so I stepped in to help him.
I'll say that the end product isn't too bad, but when I went to kiss him before he left for a rugby match, and I touched his head like I always do when I kiss him, I felt myself cringe! It's going to take some getting used to...
Here's a BEFORE, taking at our son's preschool graduation.
During the process
The finished look. What do YOU think? Do you have a sexy bald man in your life? Show him off in your blog so we can see.
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