As I got older, I lost sight of ministering to the hurting. I enjoyed being with people who were wealthy and seemed to have it all together. I spent about 8 or 9 years in Amway striving to have riches and this glamorous life. When we were doing that, we were told to be careful who we associated with and who we approached about the business. You didn't want to add these people to your business who had 'issues'. I found myself looking down my nose at the homeless guy on the street or the 'redneck' down the road.
God has pulled it full circle and I'm so grateful. I look at the people in my life right now, the stories they have and how God is, and is going to, use them. I see a doctor who lost his practice because he had sex with a patient. The story behind the story is that they were dating and when she broke up, she pressed charges. Unfortunate situation but most can't look past that and see his heart. His heart is for helping people avoid the mistakes and succeed in THEIR business. I see a meth addict who has become such a dear friend and is drastically changing his life. In the past few months he has gotten his GED, has a good job and just voted for the first time EVER! He is becoming an amazing citizen and God is using him. Another story is a father who has struggled with alcoholism. He gave up literally everything in an attempt to get sober and get his kids back. He is now getting ready to go to college and working towards a law degree. His goal is to give back and help other dads like him. God uses broken people in HUGE ways!
I see alcoholics and drug addicts changing their lives. I see men and women with felonies for heinous crimes growing into men and women with a higher vision and purpose. I see people who've had affairs and some who've had multiple affairs. These people have become closer to me than most of my old circle of friends ever were. I was sitting and talking to my husband about it and how so many people snub their noses at you when you mess up and I was trying to figure out why my life is full of the people others avoid. He said "By HIS grace, we are made whole" and pointed to the sky. He reminded me that our office is Restored Life Health Center. We are called to restore lives not only in health but in spirituality, emotionally and in all areas of life. God has surrounded us with people who have had their life restored or are in the process of restoring their lives. God uses the BROKEN people. Jesus says
I see alcoholics and drug addicts changing their lives. I see men and women with felonies for heinous crimes growing into men and women with a higher vision and purpose. I see people who've had affairs and some who've had multiple affairs. These people have become closer to me than most of my old circle of friends ever were. I was sitting and talking to my husband about it and how so many people snub their noses at you when you mess up and I was trying to figure out why my life is full of the people others avoid. He said "By HIS grace, we are made whole" and pointed to the sky. He reminded me that our office is Restored Life Health Center. We are called to restore lives not only in health but in spirituality, emotionally and in all areas of life. God has surrounded us with people who have had their life restored or are in the process of restoring their lives. God uses the BROKEN people. Jesus says
“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. For I have not come
to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Passage after passage reveals a God who embraces the broken-hearted, the marginalized, the oppressed, the sick and the sinners. He used the murderer, the prostitute, the suicidal, the alduterer, the liar. Why is it that so many Christians overlook these verses and stand more on the 'be not equally yoked with unbelievers'. The church is full of people who have spent their entire lives in church. People who the Sunday after they were born were there, who had their kids their immediately after they were born and are now seeing their grandkids there as well. People who think they have it all together. People who show up on Sunday and do their deeds, say their prayers and never think about God during the week until something bad happens and they need him. I am NOT saying all Christians and churches are like this, but my experience is that church is overall full of people who 'have it together'. This is no longer my life. The thought of sitting in a church being told what the Bible says sickens me. I desire to be around 'broken' people. I long to be around people that God is pulling out of the mire and mud and being on their journey with them. I heart now hurts for the homeless man on the street. I know there is a story. Drugs & alcohol have likely stolen everything from him! He feels hopeless and helpless and the drugs and alcohol keep him going and avoiding the realities of his life. God is calling out to him, but who will help him see it?
I challenge you to look for the person you can help. Look at the circle around you. Are all the people in it just like you? Is it all people of the same color, same income level, same religious beliefs? Let God know you are willing to branch outside the comfort zone of this group and keep your eyes open to see who He brings to you. You WILL be offended more than likely. You WILL be uncomfortable at some point, but the work is so rewarding and fulfilling. God's sitting and waiting for you to be open to working with Him to bring others into their wholeness and to be part of someone's story.
Beautiful post. If you were a preachin' I'd be shoutin' "amen!" Words without deeds are far too often found in the church, but when you see the church acting as Christ commanded us to- is there anything more beautiful? When you get to see God working miracles spiritually, emotionally, and physically, is there ANYTHING more awe inspiring?!
Faith without works is dead. God has always commanded us to serve others, he did so himself, so we should do our best to follow his example too.
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