Sunday, October 28, 2012

National Chocolate Day

October 28 is National Chocolate Day. Talk about the perfect 'holiday'. I say that we get rid of some of the other holidays and turn them all into chocolate holidays! It's amazing to me to think that there are people who don't like chocolate. How is that possible? My husband had a friend who was part of the dating world and we joked that the only requirements that "I" had (because you know that's important since she will be hanging out with our group) was that she had to like chocolate. If she didn't like chocolate, I didn't care how amazing she might be. I simply can't imagine a life without it!! Halloween is still 3 days away, but this holiday gives us a perfect chance to dive into the chocolate before the 31st gets here.

In honor of this amazing holiday, I'm sharing a few of my favorites from Pinterest

Mile High Chocolate Cake

For all the gluten free fans, here's one for you! 

And for the paleo fans how about a chocolate donut??

I hope you had a great National Chocolate Day and that you will share with us your favorite chocolate recipes & desserts!

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