Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday Tantrums

I HATE that I'm on break and I still have to get up every morning at 6:30 so I can get the kids off to school! I'm so tired and don't feel like I'm getting caught up on any sleep. I just want to sleep in ONE morning!!!!!

I hate potty training!! It is such a daunting task and it seems that once it starts, it has to be seen through to completion. It seems that there is a good day, followed by a bad. Yesterday was the first full day of starting Jacob with potty training. He did amazingly great and even told me a couple of times that he had to go. Today, totally different story. He told me 2x that he had to go, only it was after he had already gone. The good thing is that once we are done, we are done for GOOD! No more babies=no more potty training!!

On a different note, my biggest tantrum for today is about people who refuse to take any sort of responsibility for their actions or the actions of their families. I hate listening to people make excuses about why they are acting the way they do, why their children do they things they do and why they shouldn't be held responsible. It grinds me to no end!! Take responsibility. Stop blaming everyone or everything around you. Stop pretending that you don't have any options or that no one understands. Stop letting life make it's decisions for you and take control of your life and your actions.

Tantrum done....until next week!

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