Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me Monday

Today is my first "Not Me Monday". I did NOT laugh at my 3 year old son yesterday as he ran around the house, pretending to shoot his siblings, while screaming "You killed my wife!!!" I did not tell him today "Please do not put boogers on my phone". And I most definitely did NOT encourage him to put his new underwear on his head to try to encourage him to go potty on his new potty. Nope, that wasn't me!!

I did not sit at the computer and watch as my husband took out the window cleaner and cleaned the glass door. (Ok, so I did...and I enjoyed it!) I did NOT giggle everytime I told my son that he couldn't pee in his new "Woody" big boy pants (and I'm not STILL giggling even when I type it!) And I didn't encourage him to keep saying "Buzz Right Here" instead of Buzz Lightyear. SO CUTE, but I would NEVER encrouage improper words like that. ;)

I'm not the one who rolled my eyes when my daughter needed my help with her homework, knowing that she really could have done it without any help!!

And I most definitely did NOT encourage my sons to keep teeter-tottering excessively roughly, just so I could it on video. Nope, I didn't do it!!!

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