Wednesday, April 2, 2008


For those who really know Micah, you know how funny he can be, without even trying. He has such a deep voice for a 3 year old and just says the funniest things. The other day I had the Today show on and a commercial came on tv. I was just ignoring it (it's a commercial...who watches those??) and Micah says "I want to go to Chugganugga". I had no clue what he was talking about and asked him to repeat it. "I want to go to CHUGGANUGGA", he said. I said "You mean Chattanooga?" And he says "NO! The guys said "Come visit Chugganugga. I want to go to Chugganugga". I love when he gets words wrong. Maybe this spring we'll plan a trip to Chugganugga, just for him. LOL

1 comment:

Karen Jean said...

Poor Micha... somebody should inform him that ChuggaNugga is not that exciting!