Some of you may be reading this before I've actually had a chance to call you to tell you personally. That's only because it was too late too call and because I was up all night.
Tonight was so scarey!!! Jacob has been fighting a bit of a cold or something again the last couple days. I'm guessing that whatever he had a few weeks back just never fully went away. Anyways, when I got home from school, he was warm but I decided to leave the fever for awhile so it could work in fighting off whatever he has. At 7:30 it was getting pretty high and he was so tired so I decided to give him some motrin and put him to bed. At 10:30 he woke up and his cry just didn't sound 'right'. I went in a got him and he was burning up!!!! I brought him to the livingroom and started taking off his clothes while Tim got me a warm washcloth. While Tim was getting that, I noticed Jacob's hand was shaking. He was on the verge of a seizure!! I yelled for Tim to start some warm bathwater and I ran down the hall and started stripping Jacob and I so I could get him in the tub and cool him off. By this point, he was drooling and was completely 'gone'. His eyes were open, but they were looking up and to the left and he was pretty much trance like. I knew this was a fibrel (sp) seizure so that didn't worry me, although it's still horrible scarey to see your baby like that. The part that concerned me was that he was still shaking his hands. I got in the tub and Tim decided to go ahead and call 911. They were there in 2 minutes but while he was on the phone with them, I yelled out that Jacob was in a full seizure. He wasn't like a 'fish out of water' but his legs were going, his hands were shaking, his eyes rolled back and he was sort of hiccuping. It probably only lasted a minute but it felt like 20. The fire department First Response got here first and come in the bathroom and are asking questions about what had happened. By then, Jacob was coming back and starting to be a bit more alert. He'd look at Tim, but not react at all still. I get out of the tub and they run some vitals. He was watching everything they were doing but still not really reacting, then he let out a long blink and gave a little smurk so we knew he was ok. They said his oxygen was good and his heart rate and breathing were both good, although he was congested so had slightly labored breathing, so we opted to not take him to the hospital. He was still at 102.8 when they left....and that is AFTER motrin and the cool bath so i'm guessing his temp easily got to 106!!
About 20 minutes after they left, I was holding him while on the floor and he sort of rolled off my lap and pulled himself to a big floor pillow and crawled on it. He's asleep now, but before I put him down he was smiling and even ate half of a jar of babyfood I found in the closet.
It's just crazy when this happens. We went through this when Katelyn was 6 months or so, so we knew what to do, but it's still so scarey.
Oh my goodness. Poor Jacob and poor mommy and daddy! Wow- no words! Give him kisses from us!
Hi Tim and Kelly, it's your mama.
what an experience! I have delt with alot of people with seizures but when it came down to Buffy having one, I went histerical! I would have really lost it if I had been there with Jacob!!!! I'm glad he is ok now, right?
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