Today I started my wet lab again (the one I have to retake). The teacher opens up the two cadavers we will be using and then we have to 'flip' them from their back to their stomach. When that was done she started dissecting the back of the one and said that she wanted someone to start on the arm on the other one. There are 3 of us who are retaking this class-me and 2 guys. The one guy will dissect but didn't want to and the other guy won't even touch the body so I decided to go ahead and get started with it. I started the first incision and had a couple people come over to watch, grossing out and commenting. I just kept working and acting like I really enjoyed it (which actually, I did. It was MUCH better than last quarter where the bodies were 9 months old and NASTY!) At one point, I was in up to my elbow and thought it quite humorous that these big, burly guys were grossing out. I was covered in 'people juice' and little pieces of fat and at one point, the guys wouldn't even come near me, for fear I might accidently bump them with my hands. HAHAHA
Anyways, I knew you wouldn't find the humor in it, but it was quite amusing to me. A guy named Jason was standing and talking to me and kind of grossed out too. When I started to compare it to deer processing, he asked if he could join in and he took over for a bit. Once he got in there and worked on the body (we named her Betsy), he agreed it wasn't nearly as bad as he had first thought. Fun times at Life U! LOL
you are right... I don't get the humor. But as long as you are having fun and showing up the boys, I am all for that!
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