Tim and I finished up our finals on June 18 and the next day we packed up and headed to Michigan for 3 weeks. Seth, Mikayla and Katelyn had gone up the week before with Aunt Debi & Uncle Andy and were busy enjoying the Northern Michigan wilderness. While in Michigan we had so much that needed to be done, so many people to see and so much fun to be had. In a nutshell, we spent a day at Michigan Adventure with my family and the next day we spent it at Lake Michigan and then a dairy farm. We celebrated Katelyn's birthday while there and then went to a party for my cousins kids (Alex & Vanessa). All the kids, except Jacob, spent a week with Tim's parents swimming, going to the zoo and the park. On the 4th, we went to my Aunt Gayles house for her usual 4th of July summer party. THe kids enjoyed swimming in the pool and having snow cones. Seth was in Washington DC with Tim's parents for a family reunion and then sight seeing so he didn't get to go with us. On the 5th, we went to the fireworks. We spent time with friends, going to Splash Universe (an indoor waterpark), a day at the beach and bonfires. We also went to a little martini bar/jazz club for a night.
Tomorrow we get back to the grind of school. I have 23 credits and Tim has 18.2. It's going to be a tough quarter but it should go much smoother than last quarter.
I will post a few pics of our trip, tomorrow.