Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Missing Teeth

Katelyn lost another tooth tonight and it was worthy of a toothless grin picture. It was pretty hard to get one where you could really see her gaps, so it looks sort of goofy.

Last week, Mikayla was doing the dishes and Jacob decided she needed some help.

My Skater

For Seth's birthday, he wanted a skateboard more than anything. Aunt Debi, following in Aunt Rachel (the coolest aunt in the world) footsteps, gave him a gift card so he could get all his skate equipment. Here he is, all decked out in his gear and learning the basics. He's pretty good, but has a long ways to go before he'll be able to do any 'half pipes' or 'rails'. Moms not too excited about those days so loves the days of the basics!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Time for a Micah Funny

It's nothing huge, but it caught me today and I got to laughing pretty hard so had to share it. I was putting on his shoes and was teaching him his left & right. I put his right shoe on and said "That's your RIGHT foot". He lifted the other one and said "And this is my WRONG foot". hahaha Now he's convinced it's his right and wrong foot. I can't get him to say 'left' for anything.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mikayla's Story

Mikayla came up to me yesterday and told me she wrote a story. I was quite impressed so thought I'd share. She drew pictures too, but obviously I can't show you those onhere. I'm going to type it like she wrote it...mispellings and all . Anything in parenthasis is mine, just so you know what she MEANT to spell. haha

The Little Flower
By: Mikayla
Pictures by: Mikayla

Ones upon a time there was a little flower who nededed water. it was dieing. It felt like a squatnet (squished) grasshopper. It did not feel good. the sunthin (sunshine) was strat (straight) on her.

It did not rain in years. Everything was dieing. Flowers were closing up.

then all of a suden the little flower felt a rain drop It's a mericle! said the little flower

It started to pout. the flowers were very happy Yay! hip hip haray they said 3 times

It was a happy day for the little flower and the other flowers

The End

Pretty cute for a 7 year old, huh? ;) Maybe I'm partial, but she boggles my mind sometimes. She is so creative and so smart!!! She told me the other day that she didn't want to go to college. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said "A doctor" (being a chiropractor is her big thing right now). Told ya she was smart!!! Anyways, I told her that to be a doctor she would need to go to college and that's why we were down here in Georgia and going to school everyday. She said "Nevermind. I don't want to be a doctor". I asked her what she wanted to be then and she quickly replied...............

"An ice cream truck driver!!!!"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Those darn Mexicans!

So, funny story. Tim and I have this 'joke' between us where when we see Mexicans on tv who've done something, crossed the border or whatever, I'll either say "Look! it's Su Familia" ("It's your family") or "Those darn Mexicans!" Being he is Mexican, he usually rolls his eyes or laughs, depending on what it was. Anyways, yesterday I said it and Mikayla said "Hey! You are Mexican too". I told her I wasn't and that Tim was and the kids are. I told her she was 1/4 Mexican and she asked how much that was. I told her that if we took her whole body and cut it into quarters, that from her knees down would be Mexican. She sat for a second and said "THAT'S why my legs and feet always get so dirty!!!"

Tim and I about fell over laughing.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Update on Jacob

I've talked to a few people and given updates so thought I would post one for everyone. Jacob is doing better, but still congested and still having an on and off fever. He slept all night last night, until 5:00am, where he decided he was starving and was up for an hour! At times yesterday, you wouldn't have known he was sick, he was doing so well.

Anyways, thank you for all the prayers and thoughts over the last few days. It's a scarey thing when your child goes through something like this, even though we know it's not something that is overly dangerous in most situations. Jacob has always been one to keep us on our toes, and this is just one more case of that!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dissected Today

We started our actual dissecting today and it was crazy! When we got there, they were 'flipping the bodies' from their stomach to their backs, then the professor got up started cutting on the first one to show us what to do. I was doing pretty good, and really quite into it (more than I expected) then all of the sudden I got that clammy, sweaty "oh crap I might throw up" feeling!! I decided I needed to leave and head towards the bathroom just in case. I got a drink of water then went in the bathroom and just stared at myself in the mirror, not giving myself a pep-talk, per se, but definitely getting myself together and my head back in the game. When I went back in the room, they were already at the tables and doing work. Tim hadn't started cutting yet but another guy, Simone, was working on the right side of the back. I watched for about a minute then told Tim I needed to get in there and cut, so he handed me the scalpel and I started peeling back the skin. At first it was pretty weird, but I knew that if I didn't start doing something and get over the 'shock factor', I'd end up having issues again. I cut for a few minutes, peeling skin, then knew I'd done enough and would be ok, so handed the scalpel back to Tim and let him do the majority of the work. I just played the assistant role to him mostly. It is so interesting and truly amazing though. I just can't imagine going through classes like this and still coming out and believing in evolution. It's just not possible for me. I often will sit in there and joke about "Man, evolution is an AMAZING thing!!!!' We will now be dissecting every Monday and Wednesday and then have Saturdays and Sundays open at the school where we can go in there and work if we want to.

Here's a couple pictures of a few of us before labs.

Dr Diana Lam, Dr Kelly Milano, Dr Deanna Farless

Dr Lam, Dr Milano, Dr Farless, Dr Bakkar, and Dr Gundelfinger

Scarey Night!!

Some of you may be reading this before I've actually had a chance to call you to tell you personally. That's only because it was too late too call and because I was up all night.

Tonight was so scarey!!! Jacob has been fighting a bit of a cold or something again the last couple days. I'm guessing that whatever he had a few weeks back just never fully went away. Anyways, when I got home from school, he was warm but I decided to leave the fever for awhile so it could work in fighting off whatever he has. At 7:30 it was getting pretty high and he was so tired so I decided to give him some motrin and put him to bed. At 10:30 he woke up and his cry just didn't sound 'right'. I went in a got him and he was burning up!!!! I brought him to the livingroom and started taking off his clothes while Tim got me a warm washcloth. While Tim was getting that, I noticed Jacob's hand was shaking. He was on the verge of a seizure!! I yelled for Tim to start some warm bathwater and I ran down the hall and started stripping Jacob and I so I could get him in the tub and cool him off. By this point, he was drooling and was completely 'gone'. His eyes were open, but they were looking up and to the left and he was pretty much trance like. I knew this was a fibrel (sp) seizure so that didn't worry me, although it's still horrible scarey to see your baby like that. The part that concerned me was that he was still shaking his hands. I got in the tub and Tim decided to go ahead and call 911. They were there in 2 minutes but while he was on the phone with them, I yelled out that Jacob was in a full seizure. He wasn't like a 'fish out of water' but his legs were going, his hands were shaking, his eyes rolled back and he was sort of hiccuping. It probably only lasted a minute but it felt like 20. The fire department First Response got here first and come in the bathroom and are asking questions about what had happened. By then, Jacob was coming back and starting to be a bit more alert. He'd look at Tim, but not react at all still. I get out of the tub and they run some vitals. He was watching everything they were doing but still not really reacting, then he let out a long blink and gave a little smurk so we knew he was ok. They said his oxygen was good and his heart rate and breathing were both good, although he was congested so had slightly labored breathing, so we opted to not take him to the hospital. He was still at 102.8 when they left....and that is AFTER motrin and the cool bath so i'm guessing his temp easily got to 106!!

About 20 minutes after they left, I was holding him while on the floor and he sort of rolled off my lap and pulled himself to a big floor pillow and crawled on it. He's asleep now, but before I put him down he was smiling and even ate half of a jar of babyfood I found in the closet.

It's just crazy when this happens. We went through this when Katelyn was 6 months or so, so we knew what to do, but it's still so scarey.

Monday, April 7, 2008

First day of 2nd quarter

Tim and I started 2nd quarter today and what a way to start. Our very first class this morning was our dissecting lab. What an eerie feeling to walk into a room that was so much like a morgue. We went into the lab and had to walk through the "Visceral Lab" which is where they dissect head and neck, before we got into our lab. There was a class in there and so we were able to see a couple bodies. EEKK!!! We went into our lab and really didn't do anything but get to know the professor and him tell us how the lab would work. It's just like you would see on CSI or some other tv show....a bunch of gernies lines up with white heavy plastic bags on them. There were 10 in all! We never did open the bags,that comes on Thursday, but just standing in a room with 10 dead bodies is a very different feeling. I will have to update on Thursday night to let you know how our first real day in this lab goes.
In the meantime, here's a pic of Tim and I in our scrubs this morning before we left for lab. Don't we look official???

Friday, April 4, 2008

Peer Mentor

I got a letter home yesterday that the girls school is creating a peer mentor program and Mikayla has been one of 5 kids who's been recommended to be part of it. What it involves is that on Fridays she will go to the special needs classroom and work with the handicapped and special needs kids. The peer mentors will read to them, do speech exercises, and just play with them and be their friends. What an amazing opportunity for her!!!! She's really excited about it and she hopes that she starts today (although I'm guessing it won't be til next Friday). Man, this little girl must have something special. The gifted program, the news team, Odessey of the Mind and now Peer Mentors. Maybe I have a future Student Council President on my hands!!!! Maybe she'll be the first women president....that's just hoping Hillary isn't. ;)

It's preschool time

I've decided to start looking into preschools for Micah and found out that Georgia has a program called GeorgiaK4. It basically a kindergarten program for 4 year olds. It's not a headstart program, but is free like going to school would be, regardless of income. I stopped at a school down the road from us and decided it probably wasn't the best 'fit' for him so came home and looked online to research it more. I found out that any school, private or public, can offer GA-PreK but none of them can charge for it. I called 2 local private schools and we are going to go look at them today. Both have a waiting list, but both assured me that if I get him on a list in the next week, he'll get in. The programs run just like Kindergarten-8am-2:30pm 5 days a week and the kids have to be there. Absences and tardies count against them just like in school. The one I really want to get him into is called Ivy Hall and has an amazing playground and a water spray park in the back! The other is just as nice, but no spray park. haha Here are the links to both schools.
Ivy Hall Day School

La Petite

We are going to go and look at both schools today and get him signed up on the waiting list and see what happens. The problem is I'm going to have kids in 3 different schools, which means 3 different sets of activities. Not sure how all that will work out. We don't have time NOW to go to the activities at the TWO schools.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Pollen, pollen everywhere! I've never seen pollen like we have it down here. On the pollen scale, 150 is considered high. The pollen count today was 658!!! When we go to the car, it is covered in yellow 'dust'. All the cars on the road have a 'dust' covering on them. It's insane!!! If you look closely in the picture (click on it and make it bigger) you can see the word "Pollen" drawn on the front of my van this morning.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


For those who really know Micah, you know how funny he can be, without even trying. He has such a deep voice for a 3 year old and just says the funniest things. The other day I had the Today show on and a commercial came on tv. I was just ignoring it (it's a commercial...who watches those??) and Micah says "I want to go to Chugganugga". I had no clue what he was talking about and asked him to repeat it. "I want to go to CHUGGANUGGA", he said. I said "You mean Chattanooga?" And he says "NO! The guys said "Come visit Chugganugga. I want to go to Chugganugga". I love when he gets words wrong. Maybe this spring we'll plan a trip to Chugganugga, just for him. LOL