So, we've done it again. We got a new dog. Today Tim and I went to Whole Foods and they were doing pet adoption outside. I talked him into going over to look and we found a couple dogs that we fell in love with. I swear we spent an hour or more looking at the dogs, talking about which one we liked and how we could make it work. We are needing to get rid of the cats since we aren't supposed to have them here anyways and they are starting to reek havoc, so talked about maybe 'swapping' the cats for a new dog. By 'swap' I mean that we have to convince the girls to get rid of their cats and get a dog instead. Anyways, Tim came home, picked up the girls and went back. They didn't like the one that I fell in love with, but they found a dog that they loved. We are now the owners of a great part shephard (possibly part pit) dog that is currently named Jake. Being we have a Jacob that we call Jake, we need to change the name though. We are sort of thinking right now about calling him Kobi.
Anyways, he really is doing great with the kids and even with Rex. He sits and shakes on command. He retrieves toys and drops them when told to drop them. When he starts to get too rough while playing, you say "gentle" and immediately walks away and goes and lays down. From what we understand, his owners had to move out of the country for work and couldn't take him. The people were marathon runners so the dog loves to run.
Here's a couple pictures of him.