Sunday, May 24, 2009
Seth's Last Day in Elementary
It's so hard to believe that one of my kids is done with elementary and moving on to middle school! I can't be that old, can I? On Friday, Seth had his last day at the Intermediate school. The didn't do an actual graduation but celebrated each kid during their awards ceremony. Every kid got an award and walked across stage to get it. Seth's was for his IMI Math Test score (although I'm not sure what the score was). The rest of the day was filled with a party, celebrating their moving on to middle school. At the very end of the day they did the "5th Grade Walk". All the other classes were brought out into the hallway to cheer on the 5th graders. A lot of the girls (and some of the boys) were crying, as they lined up and walked through the halls, one last time, to the graduation march. It was pretty emotional to stand and watch, although Seth and his group of friends never cried and couldn't understand why everyone else was. Mikayla, on the other hand, was sitting in the hallways bawling her eyes out, which made almost the entire 2nd grade hallway start crying. Her teacher and I didn't know whether to console them or laugh. LOL Anyways, here's a few pictures from his last day of elementary! On to bigger and better...

Getting his award

With his teacher, Mrs Hawkins

With 2 of our neighbors. Ok, story behind this is that the girls were both taller than Seth. He was standing on his tiptoes to try to be taller (which is why he looks like he's about to bust open laughing) and Lesleigh was trying to look shorter (which is why she was leaning in)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Micah's Graduation
Tonight, Micah graduated from pre-K. I can't believe it's been a full year since he started! He was so cute in his cap and gown and did so good at that program. They sang a couple of songs and he was totally into them. His waving at us just added to his cuteness. I've decided that preschool and kindergarten graduations are stupid though. Well, at least the PARENTS are stupid!!! The director told everyone to sit down and be considerate of the other parents. Of course, there were about 6 parents who decided to stand right in the front middle of the aisle, blocking everyone else. The director again asked everyone to sit down, and so these people sent their kids to do their dirty work!!! This auditorium was only about 15 rows so they could have easily stood along the back wall and zoomed, or stood on the side walls. One parent walks up and says "Excuse me, do you think you could send us all pictures of OUR kids since you are blocking all of us from seeing??" It was quite humerous! At the same time, the lady in front of me was walking up to tell them to sit down and I was walking up. I said "You know, we all have kids too and you are blocking about 12 rows of people from seeing THEIR kids! Go sit down". Of course, a few didn't like it and one called me a name...yep, in front of all the kids! Such a classy group of people!
Anyways, here's a few pics of Micah. Isn't he just the cutest???

Micah and our neighbor Ashley who was also graduating tonight


Singing. The pics are a little blurred cause it was so hard to take pictures around the stupid people

Getting his diploma

Micah and his teacher, Ms. Belinda

Getting ice cream after the ceremony
Anyways, here's a few pics of Micah. Isn't he just the cutest???
New Bird
So, we are crazy. No, WE aren't, TIM is!! For as long as I can remember, he's wanted a cockatoo but since they run $1500 or so, plus the cage and accessories, that wasn't ever going to happen, or so I thought. A couple weeks ago his mom called and there was a cockatoo that needed to be 'rescued'. Long story short, he drove up to Michigan and picked up the newest member of our family, then turned around and drove home. She was a free adoption and came with all her accessories. She is quite sweet (although at the moment she is trying to find her place so is trying to be a bit dominant and aggressive, but it shouldn't last long). Her name was Nicki, but that's not much of a bird name so we changed it to Chloe. (Ok, I know that's not really a bird name either but it's better.) She's already learned her name and when we walk in the door or she hears us, she'll say "Hi Chloe" as an indication that she wants us to come and get her. It'll be an adjustment period but I think in the end she'll be a great addition.

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