About 20 minutes, we heard this horrid scream from outside. I knew instantly it was Katelyn. By the time I got down the stairs to the door, she was there, bloody and scraped up. She was running on the sidewalk, trying to catch up to Mikayla, and her friend Edwin was on his bike. He wasn't watching where he was going and neither was she. He ran right into her, both going full speed (in the same direction). She fell and slid across the concrete. She has a big scrape on the outside of her ankle where his tire hit her, a scrape on the inside of the leg (we think from where his tire hit her second), scrapes on her knuckles and then her face hit. The right of her forehead is scraped, her nose (which might be broken...it's pretty swollen), the top of her lip and under nose. Inside her mouth, the whole top of her lip is scraped (I think that as she hit the concrete, her lip sort of went up towards her nose so the inside scraped on the concrete too). She has a new tooth that has popped through in the last 2 weeks and it was bleeding there too. I'm pretty worried about the tooth so may be making a trip to the dentist Monday or Tuesday. She's probably going to be so swollen tomorrow. She was HYSTERICAL too. At first she said it was on purpose, but she always says that when she gets hurt, but her story and his story are almost identical so I really think it was an accident, although Edwin is pretty crazy and does everything high speed without watching. After she got calmed down, cleaned up and got ice on everything, I snapped a couple pictures. She didn't want me to at first, then wanted me to take one of every single scrape, which I didn't do. This is just a glimpse of it. It's actually pretty bad!!
This one doesn't really show that the scrape is on both sides of her nose. 
This scrape is where the bike hit (she had jeans on). It's about 2 inches long in reality

The pic of her mouth doesn't do it justice. The whole inside is purple and bloody. :(