Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm not Weird....

My daughters came home from school today, just raving about a little girl at their school named Haley. Haley is a first grader with Cerebral Palsy. At the beginning of the year, someone told her she was weird, which really hurt her feelings. She had never considered herself weird before. Well, her mom got the idea to write a children's book so the two of them worked together and the product is now finished. Haley was on the tv announcements at school today talking about her new book. They have a copy of it in the school library for all the kids to read and are having very open discussions about it.

Tonight I decided to see if I could find it and came across the dad's blog. The first entry I saw was a picture of Hailey on her big tricycle, peddling away, and a blog written by her dad. The book is being published and is for sale through their website. I hope that by passing it on, many of you will consider buying Haley's book and not only supporting her, but supporting the physically challenged all across our country.

Check it out.....and buy her book and support her. Teachers...this would be great in your classrooms. Future DCs (or current DCs) grab a copy for your reception area. Parents, get one for your kids!!!


1 comment:

Miranda said...

That is very cool. I am going to order one.