Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Simplicity-My Top 10 for Apirl 18

Top 10 about my medical beliefs....this one is not really 'simple' and is actually quite controversial, but it sounded like a good topic for this morning. But read on anyways. :)

10. For those who don't know I'm a chiropractic student right now.

9. I believe that most women could have a homebirth or at least an unmedicated birth if they wanted to. (Maybe I'll write more about why I believe this way in a future blog).

8. I believe that immunizations are over rated.

7. I believe that the body has an ability to heal itself most of the time.

6. I believe that "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease" as Thomas Edison stated in 1902.

5. I believe that chiropractic is a great means of unleashing the brain body connection, allowing the energy to properly flow from the brain, down through the spinal cord and out into every nerve of the body.

4. I believe that what we eat and drink plays more of a role in our health than what we have given it credit for in the past.

3. I believe that by educating the public, not on the medicines and the side affects listed on tv, but how about how their body works, will bring about a revolution in the health care industry.

2. I believe the current system is fraudulant and misleading. "Healthcare" as we know it now, is really "Sick Care". Health care is still a work in progress.

1. I believe that the with the new "Obamacare" being implemented, we are all going to lose in the long run. If you think the govrnment is able to properly manage health care, talk to our US service men and women or our veterans! Their healthcare benefits are pretty embarrassing. If our government can't even properly care for those who protect our nation and keep us safe, why do we think they will suddent be so much better managing OUR bodies and health?

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