Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Me Monday

This week, while potty training, I did not tell my son to 'get his finger out of his butt'. I didn't encourage him to run around naked for a few hours and I most definitely did NOT laugh hysterically, when he informed me that 'his balls' were wet. (Grandma apparently taught him that he has 'balls').

I did not tell my husband, upon returning from the doctor with his a note that he needs blood work because his blood pressure was a bit high, that he did NOT need to go have blood work done and that he would NOT need the medicine they prescribed him. (He probably thinks I'm trying to kill him off or something). It might be because I also didn't tell him early in the week that I could always trade him in for a younger model. "I" would NEVER say that!!!

I didn't "encourage" my husband to go and by the new Love & War book by John and Staci Eldridge because we had argued and I felt he needed to read a book on marraige. ;)

I didn't make my kids pose at the Easter egg hunt on Saturday because I missed them finding eggs the first time. And I did NOT purposely post a facebook message about what I was having for dinner, knowing that a friend who was supposed to be here to eat with us, 'forgot'. I did NOT post in detail everything that we were having, and post it as I was sitting down to eat, knowing that within 20 minutes he'd call to say he was on his way. AND I most definitely did NOT laugh hysterically when he called Tim to tell him that he and his girlfriend were on their way, and Tim informed them we were done but we would leave the food out if they wanted to still come and eat what was left. I would NEVER do that....

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