Friday, April 16, 2010

Been MIA

...but I'm back now. Last week, my husband made the decision to 'save some money' and cut off Comcast. What a mess! He didn't really think it through when he made the call and so not only did he cut the cable, but also the land line phone and the internet. We have 2 of us in grad school and a middle schooler son, who all NEED internet as part of our studying and homework. I was having to make runs to Caribou Coffee every night just to send emails or check all the kids Teacher Blogs for school. So, after a week of fussing, complaining and whining (HIM, not me), he finally called AT&T and got DSL hooked up. That, in and of itself, was a nightmare. The modem came yesterday and he said he had to get it hooked up within a few hours. Problem was, it wasn't setting up nearly as easy as it was supposed to. He called tech support today but they really gave him the run around. They wanted to charge him $40 just to answer all his questions! They wouldn't answer any of his questions with a straight answer. Long story short, he ended up calling the company that our router is through and they finally got us up and running. It was my husbands mistake (putting in the wrong email address for his username, of all things!) So, an extra $30 later (yes, he finally ended up paying the router place to help him) and him feeling like an idiot, and me not letting him down easily, he has gone to see a movie and I'm online....FINALLY!

Lots of catching up to do over the next fews birthday parties, loser friends, people who take advantage of ya or only look out for themselves, feelings of despair I'm having. You'll get to read it all! Should be a fun weekend. LOL Enjoy your weekend...and my ramblings.

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