Monday, August 9, 2010

School has started

It doesn't seen right that school here in Georgia starts so early! In Michigan, we wouldn't have started for 4 more weeks, but here in Georgia, despite the 95* temperatures everyday, the kids have gone back to school. Unfortunately, none of my kids who are in elementary are in class with their best friends, but Mikayla and Micah both got the teacher they wanted! Katelyn didn't know hers but seems to really like her. I can't believe that Seth is starting 7th grade! Where in the world does time go and am I really old enough to have a 7th grader??? I remember 7th grade like it was just yesterday....I remember my 'boyfriend', my first locker. I remember teachers and the excitement of switching classes. For him, he started at the middle school last year, so we are used to that routine and so 7th grade isn't quite the same for him as it was for me when I started "Junior High". Seth was just glad to be in 7th grade and not be the low man on the totem pole anymore. He was joking about teasing the 6th graders, telling them they need to see the school pool (which they don't have) and telling them the wrong hallways for their classrooms. Typical 7th grader!!!! He didn't even want to go to the bus stop a few minutes early because it was all 6th graders standing and waiting. haha!

Here are a couple pictures from the kids first day. They are getting so big!!!

Day 2. The kids love their new clothes so wanted pictures again.

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