Monday, May 3, 2010

Not Me Monday 5~3~10

Ugh....what a week!

I did NOT totally get overwhelmed and forget to blog last week. Not a single day!! And I didn't tell myself "I'll get to it after dinner" only to be bogged down with other things.

I did NOT sign up for taking 3 dozen bagels to my school on May 3, and then wake up this morning, and her tell me that today was the day I needed them. I guess I did NOT realize that May 3 was a Monday....TODAY!

I did NOT turn off my alarm this morning without knowing it, and my husband didn't turn his off either. We didn't then wake up an hour late, have to race the kids to school (making a stop at the store for those darn bagels) and arriving 10 minutes late!

I did NOT tell my 12 year old that he was fine and going to school, even though in the pit of my stomach I had a feeling he wasn't.

And I certainly didn't get a bit excited when I got a call from the school nurse saying he was sick and had to be picked up. I didn't sigh a breath of relief at the thought of skipping my own classes today and getting my house picked up instead.

I most certainly did NOT come home, make my son go to bed and then take a small nap instead of cleaning the house like I had planned.

And I'm sure I couldn't have been the person to go into my daughters bedroom and throw away just about everything they had laying on the floor.

The house is getting cleaner by the minute, blogging is done for now and I will NOT go and do a bit of a happy dance now.


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