Friday, September 26, 2008

Finals are over and grades are in

AND WE PASSED EVERYTHING!!! I can't say that I passed all my finals, but that's the good thing about doing really well during midterms. It allows a bit more room at the end for when you are already burnt out. Here are the grades.
Microbiology- C (2 points from a B. GRRR!)
Research- A
Philosophy B
Motion Palpation B
Gross Anatomy C
Radiology B

Microbiology- B
Research- B
Philosophy B
Motion Palpation A
Gross Anatomy Tim didn't have this one
Radiology B

We now have a week off. I'll be doing stuff around the house (some painting, organizing and possibly garage sale if I can get my act together) and Tim has running training camp all week! 8 hours of Rugby everyday!!!! Hopefully his shin splints are healed up enough to where he can play. They made him sit out all next week to rest them, and he went in to our sports center at school everyday so the trainers could work on it. He had lazer treatments, some sort of electric therapy and lots of hard ice massages. Hopefully it all helped at least a little bit! His first game is in just 4 weeks so he has a lot of work ahead of him with learning the game and getting ready.

Hope everyone is doing well. :)

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